(46) A.M. Awasthi, L. Degiorgi, G. Gruner, Y. Dalichaouch and M.B. Maple
The complete optical spectrum of CeAl3
external page Phys. Rev. B 48, 10692 (1993)

(45) L. Degiorgi
Fluctuation effects in the electrodynamic response of charge density wave condensates
external page J. de Physique IV, Coll. C2, Suppl. J. de Physique I 3, 103 (1993)

(44) M. Dressel, L. Degiorgi, O. Klein and G. Gruner
The electrodynamics of organic superconductors
external page J. Phys. and Chem. of Solids 54, 1411 (1993)

(43) L. Degiorgi
The electrodynamic response in superconducting fullerenes
external page Proceedings of an International Winter School, Kirchberg 1993 Springer Series in Solid State Sciences, Editors H. Kuzmany, M. Mehring and S. Roth, Vol. 117, p. 395 (1993)

(42) L. Degiorgi, M. Chernikov, C. Beeli and H.R. Ott
The electrodynamic response of the icosahedral quasicrystal Al70Mn9Pd21
external page Solid State Commun. 87, 721 (1993)

(41) L. Degiorgi and G. Gruner
The electrodynamics of the charge density wave condensate
external page Synthetic Metals 56, 2688 (1993)

(40) S. Donovan, Y. Kim, L. Degiorgi and G. Gruner
Phason excitations in the spin density wave state of (TMTSF)2PF6
external page Journal de Physique I France 3, 1493 (1993)

(39) L. Degiorgi, S. Teraoka, G. Compagnini and P. Wachter
Optical and Raman investigation of Yb-pnictide compounds
external page Phys. Rev. B 47, 5715 (1993)

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