(225) C. Mirri, A. Dusza, S. Bastelberger, M. Chinotti, L. Degiorgi, J.-H. Chu, H.-H. Kuo, and I. R. Fisher
Origin of the resistive anisotropy in the electronic nematic phase of BaFe2As2 revealed by optical spectroscopy 

external page Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 107001 (2015)

(224) A. Dusza, A. Lucarelli, J.-H. Chu, I.R. Fisher, and L. Degiorgi
Monotonic doping-dependence in the anisotropy of the Drude weight and scattering rate of detwinned Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2established from the optical conductivity 

external page J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 28, 1261 (2015)

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